3rd Maine Infantry

Company A


Fighting for the Union since 1861!

Company A, 3rd Maine Regiment Volunteer Infantry is a nonprofit educational and living history organization dedicated to preserving the memory of Maine's role in the American Civil War. Through living history events, battle reenactments, and educational presentations we work to teach others about what life was like for Maine soldiers and civilians during the years 1861 - 1865. We also strive to serve as a living memorial to all of the people who gave their lives during the War, and in doing so gave us these United States of America.



Joe Donahue

PHONE: +1 (207) 615-2291


For event requests, please download the Event Request Form (PDF) and send as an email attachment to jdonahue@preti.com

In January of each year we decide on what events we will participate in. Therefore, we suggest requests be submitted by December of the previous year.



© 2025 - Third Maine Infantry
Webmaster - Drew Brown